sikh places, gurudwara

Gurudwara Baba Gurditta

Gurudwara Baba Gurditta Ji is a Sikh temple (gurdwara) in the village of Chandpur Rurki of Nawanshahr District in Indian Punjab. The gurudwara is situated at the entrance of the village and about 1.5 km from Garhshankar-Anandpur Sahib link highway. It was built in memory of Baba Gurditta and Baba Kesra Singh Ji. Famous visitors Gurudwara Baba Gurditta Ji is a historical and holy place for Sikhism. Baba Gurditta Ji visited Chandpur Rurki with two associates. They stayed one night along with their horse. This Gurudwara has two Samadhis for two associates, held in main Gurudwara Sahib Ji. Herein Baba Ji traveled on horseback along with two associates, and took rest here. The chain with which they tied their horse is still visible in Gurudwara Sahib. Events and celebrations All events, functions and ceremonies that take place at the Gurudwara have always been started with remembrances to Baba Gurditta Ji. A phrase frequently used there is “Dhan-Dhan Baba Gurditta ji, Deen Dunia Da Tika Ji, Jo Var Mangya, So Var Dita Ji”. Another Gurudwara where Baba Gurditta is celebrated is at Kiratpur Sahib. Two annual events are associated with this Gurudwara. Nishan Sahib The Nishan Sahib ritual flag is celebrated on the occasion of Sankranti in August. During this event, a new Nishan Sahib is made, lasts for at least two to three days and is begun with Bhog observances centred on Akhand Path recital. Residents of this village engage in Sewa at this time. After Nishan Sahib, a holy kirtan is performed and all the worshippers (sangat) follow, singing the holy shabds. Birthday of Baba Gurditta Ji The second celebration is for the birthday of Baba Gurditta Ji. This function is celebrated on 24 November. During the celebration the Bhog ceremony is made, after which the holy dish ‘Karah Parshad’ is served to all attendees inside Gurudwara Hall as well as among outside Sewadars. A kirtan is then performed, shabads are sung and donations are given. After noon, special food, Guru’s Langar, is ready to serve. This langar is distributed among the people. An announcement is made to all villagers and visitors to take the holy food. The previous day, a large nagar kirtan procession visits nearby villages and finishes at Gurudwara Sahib Ji.
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