sikh places, gurudwara

Gurdwara Janam Asthan Guru Ram Das

The Janam Asthan Guru Ram Das (Punjabi, Urdu: گردوارہ جنم استھان گورو رام داس) is a gurdwara in Lahore, Pakistan. The gurdwara was built atop the site traditionally believed to be the location of the birthplace and childhood home of Guru Ram Das, the 4th Sikh gurus.[1]
The gurdwara is located in the Chuna Mandi Bazaar in the Walled City of Lahore, near the Lahore Fort, and Begum Shahi Mosque. The shrine is located along the Shahi Guzargah, or “Royal Passage” that began at Delhi Gate, and terminated at the Lahore Fort.
Historical photograph of Gurdwara Janam Asthan Guru Ram Das Guru Ram Das was born in the Chuna Mandi Bazaar of Lahore in 1534 CE.[2] The childhood home existed until the era of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who purportedly was asked to build a new shrine at the site during the birth celebrations of Kharak Singh in 1801.[1] Ranjit Singh agreed to the request, and acquired plots surrounding the site in order to build a new gurdwara.[1] 18 Sikhs were reportedly killed in the gurdwara premises during communal rioting that occurred during the Partition of British India
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